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Discover Primary Science 2016-2017 

Discover Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence 2016/17

We have some great news about Science and Maths in our school. St. Brigid's G.N.S. has achieved a Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence for the 2016/17 academic year.

We received some very positive comments from the judging panel “Everyone involved in this body of work should be very proud of themselves. There is clear evidence of whole school involvement and the students seem to be particularly engaged and having fun! Keep up the excellent work.” Well done to all the students and teachers who have been working hard on this project all year. The Tánaiste, Frances Fitzgerald, visited our school on Monday the 26th of June along with Dr Ruth Freeman and Donna Mc Cabe from Science Foundation Ireland to celebrate our achievement in Discover Primary Science.

#BelieveInScience – a campaign to promote the potential that science and discovery offer Ireland, today and in tomorrow’s world

Science Week November 2015 

To help celebrate Science Week 2015 we had a wonderful ‘Science Day’ in our school on Wednesday the 11th of November 2015. All the children and teachers had been working hard on science activities over the previous weeks in preparation for this day.

There was a great display of science information, design and make activities and science experiments.  Some of the displays included Moving Toys, Fantastic Flingers, Magnetic Cars, Mixing Materials, Heat and Insulation and Lava Lamps. Each class had an opportunity to visit the exhibition, look at the displays and even try some experiments out!

In the afternoon we had an ‘Open Hour’ for parents, friends and family to come and see the Science Exhibition. The Science Exhibition helped show us all some of the great work that takes place in science in our school throughout the year!  For more science ideas and activities to try out at home check out and

Discover Primary Science 2014-2015

10th Award of Science and Maths Excellence!

The students and staff of St. Brigid's G.N.S. were delighted to receive our Award of Science and Maths Excellence for 2014-2015. The Discover Primary Science and Maths Programme is part of Science Foundation Ireland's (SFI) Discover Programme, which aims to increase interest in science, technology, engineering and maths in schools. This year our award was extra special as we are one of only 25 schools in the country to receive the award for the 10th time! This is a great achievement for our school and we are really proud to have achieved it. We have enjoyed taking part in the programme over the last ten years and we have seen lots of benefits in science and maths among our students.

To celebrate our achievement Sinéad Hickey from Abbott Ireland presented us with a special '10  year' plaque and a voucher for Shaw Scientific to help us buy more science resources for next year. Sinead presented the award to us at our assembly in June and she was delighted to hear all about the wonderful work in science taking place in our school. She hopes that lots of the girls will have future careers in science!

Well done to Ms. Moriarty, the staff of our school and the students for all their hard work over the past ten years. A special thanks to Ms. O' Connor who put a lot of hard work into our award for 2014-2015. We are looking forward to lots more learning and fun in science in the years ahead!

(Posted Jun'15)

Science Week November 2014

Discover Primary Science Award of Maths and Science Excellence


Since 2005 we have been applying for and awarded the Discover Primary Science and Maths Award of Excellence awarded by the Discover Primary Science (DES) awareness programme. This is an achievement we are very proud of in St. Brigid’s and you can see our collection of plaques on display in our school.

Every year we apply for this award and submit a logbook along with our application. Lots of classes take part in this programme and submit work to the logbook. There are five steps to meet the awards criteria. These steps can vary from year to year and we try to can build on our achievements from the previous year. Some of the steps include:

  • Greenwave and Maths

  • Prescribed science activities and Maths

  • Invite a science speaker or engineer to our school

  • Attend or hold a science event

  • Use technology in science


In recent years maths has also been incorporated into the award so we try to use lots of maths during our science activities and experiments. 


Over the last number of years our school has been taking part of ‘Greenwave-Signs of Spring’ project which observes the onset of Spring as it arrives in Ireland. We observe different species around our area and record them on the website for the project. For example every day during March we observe the horse chestnut trees in our yard to see then the first ‘buds burst’. We also record wind speed, temperature and rainfall during Spring. The details are recorded on the project website Sighting from other areas in the country can also be observed on the website. We can build a picture of how Spring or the ‘Greenwave’ travels across Ireland. In Spring 2014 Ms. Walsh’s class and Ms. Moriarty’s class took part in this project.



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