RCN 20119751
St. Brigid's G.N.S.

Turret Rd, Palmerstown, Dublin20
Roll number:18324C
RCN: 20119751
Tel: (01) 6265431 email: stbrigidsgns@gmail.com
Discovery Primary Science​

Living Things
1. Fifth class were showing the other girls how the eye can play tricks. They
showed the other classes how to distinguish which eye is your dominant
eye and also told us some amazing eye facts!

Energy and Forces
2. Static electricity and current electricity (3 RD class )
Third class examined static electricity and current electricity. They noticed that
when a balloon is rubbed against their PE tracksuit jumper, electrons move from the
jumper to the balloon. The balloon now has more – s than + s, so it now has a
negative charge. The jumper loses some negative charges and so becomes positively
charged. The girls made static electricity by rubbing the balloon against their hair
and explained to others that the balloon has static electricity as your hair stands on
ends. They used a simple circuit to test for conductors and insulators of electricity.

Energy and Forces
2. Aerobatic Clowns
Sixth class made and decorated aerobatic clowns. They discovered that gravity
is a force by balancing the clown on its nose on their fingers. They discovered
that all objects have a balancing point and the lower you make the centre of
gravity the more stable the object is.

Energy and Forces
4. Rainbow Spinners - 3rd Class
Third class made rainbow spinners with lots of different colours on them. When they
spun them really fast they could see white. They learned that light is made of lots of
different colours.

3. Properties of a range of different materials ( 4th class)
Fourth class examined different materials and defined their characteristics
as flexible, hard, soft or transparent. They examined the different
properties of a range of different materials.

Environmental Awareness and Care
Volcanic eruption (4th class)
Fourth class discuss the effects of volcanic eruptions on the
environment. They used a variety of different materials and liquids to mimic a
volcanic eruption.

Energy and Forces
First and second class made shadow puppets. They realised that light travels in
straight lines. It cannot bend to travel around objects; if it did we could see
around corners! When light is blocked by an object a dark area or shadow is

Energy and Forces
Investigating sound ( 5th class)
The girls from 5th class investigated sound. They made different objects that can
create sound.

Space Week Event 2018
Space Week Event 2018
We had great fun doing our activities during Space Week.
Junior Infants learned all about the moon and the sun. We looked at pictures of all the different planets in our solar system and read the story ‘Back to Earth with a bump’. We coloured in lovely pictures of planets, rockets and astronauts.
Senior Infants made space rockets.
First Class and Second Class learned all about our solar system and talkedabout all the different planets. Remember the saying My Very EducatedMother Just Served Us Nachos to learn all the planets in order.
Third Class drew lovely pictured based on space..
Science Speaker
Karen from An Taisce visited our school to speak about Climate Change. Each class
looked at different aspects of climate change. The junior end of the school examined
The Artic and discovered that climate change is affecting the animals that live there.
Karen talked to the girls about how we travel to school and how ‘green ways’ like
scooting, car-pool, cycling or walking could really effect the environment positively.
The senior end of the school examined how carbon dioxide is effecting our environment
and how could we help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we emit to the atmosphere.
Karen talked to the girls about fossil fuels and how humans are burning about 85 million
barrels of oil every day.

Science and ICT
A number of classes in our school have been using the Irish Computer
Society Scratch Programme www.scratch.ics.ie
Fifth class have been learning about coding and learning how to
programme Sprite and different characters. Look at the photos of the
girls at work and some of the coding they did. First class have also been working on scratch.
Large HeFactfilesaF

Science and ICT
Power Point Presentation Environmen
Fifth and sixth class have also researched Global warming and travel and
transport. They made PowerPoints, in groups, using the information. They
saved the PowerPoints on the school network for all the other classes to
access. They presented their information to the school.
Ocean Fish Fact Files
Sixth Class created ‘Fact Files’ on what they had learned about ocean fish in science. They used their skills in ICT to present what they had learned in a fact file format with text and pictures.
They learned about
sizing their writing in the fact file
changing the font of their writing
adding pictures to a document
resizing the picture
and many more ICT skills while working on their science fact files. Their work is displayed in the school for other children to read and learn about ocean fish.
Name of creature: Queen Parrot fish/Scarus Vetula.
Feature: The largest Queen Parrot Fish is brightly coloured (blue, green, orange) Adult and young Parrot Fish are a brownish colour.
Habitat: Coral reefs
Food: Queen Parrotfish are herbivores that graze on the reef, using their beaks to scrape plants and algae from the reef surface.
Conservation Status: They are least concern
Interesting Facts: the queen parrotfish is a medium sized parrotfish. The parrotfishes are named for their powerful beaks, formed from the fusing of the teeth into biting plates.
By Kayleigh and Abi
Latin: Thalassoma bifasciatum
Habitat: Coral reefs in the Carribean Sea
Food: It is a foraging predator, it eats plankton, molluscs and small parasites on other fish.
Conservation status: Least concern
Features: It has a blue head. Black, white and a greenish-yellow body. Its tail is white, black and blue. It is 110mmin length.
Interesting facts:
Female Bluehead Wrasses lay eggs.
All Bluehead Wrasse’s hatch as females.
As they mature some individuals become males.
Males continue to act like females in some ways.
They help to keep the reefs they inhabit clean.
Bluehead Wrasse’s rarely live longer than 2 years.
By Hannah Mc & Abbie Mc

Engineers Week
Amazing Triangles
During engineers week we made structures using cocktail sticks, spaghetti and
marshmallows. We looked at how engineers use triangles in structures. We used
marshmallows to connect the cocktail sticks and spaghetti. We used triangle shapes to
build up our structure up high.
Engineer's Week
Building Bridges
Junior Infants and fourth class teamed up
to build bridges using spaghetti,
marshmallows and gum drops. We looked at the structure of bridges and looked at the
shape of different bridges.